Cohort Four

October 2021 - January 2022

Cohort Four


Collins Kigen
Collins Kigen

Bachelor of Science Medical Biochemistry

Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology

The Bioinformatics Incubation and Mentorship program was a huge turning point in my career. First, I gained technical skills in programming and genomics as well as professional skills including communication, presentation, teamwork and leadership. Second, it helped me establish my career path by enabling me to identify my strengths and build on them in order to carve out a niche for myself within the broad line of science. The program was successful owing to the student-centered approach in delivery of the curriculum, and the rounded support from the bioinformatics group at icipe led by Dr. Caleb Kibet. I appreciate Ruth Nanjala, the lead trainer, for her quality and skillful teaching, as well as the postgraduate students who also made a significant contribution to our learning. Last but not least, the peer mentorship that carries on even after the internship has ended has helped me broaden my professional network in the field of bioinformatics. This program is a great opportunity to learn, experience and network.

JB Mugi
JB Mugi

Bachelor of Science Applied Bioengineering

Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology

The Bioinformatics Incubation and Mentorship program at icipe is a major highlight in my career so far. Through it's very able and talented team of facilitators led by Dr Caleb Kibet, the programme helped me improve in key areas that are essential in the field of Bioinformatics and Science in general. The practical application of acquired skills to solve real word problems went a long way to lay a strong foundation upon which to build a career in Bioinformatics. The programme also gave a boost to my confidence in my skills bearing in mind that we were learning from the best Scholars and Scientists. Overall, at the end of the internship, I was better at professional and scientific communication, Machine Learning, data analysis and most importantly had a broader network.

Caroline Kogei
Caroline Kogei

BSc. Applied Statistics with Computing

Moi University

The Bioinformatics incubation program provides the much needed platform to kickstart a career in genomics research. Through the well curated programs, I discovered the various opportunities in Bioinformatics. I up-skilled in both hard and soft skills including programming, technical writing, mentorship and presentation skills. I’d like to thank Dr Caleb Kibet, Ruth Nanjala and the entire team for their mentorship in ensuring we become the best version of ourselves.

Joyce Wangari
Joyce Wangari

Bachelor of Science Genomic Sciences

Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology

It is such an honor to have been part of the Bioinformatics Incubation and Mentorship Program at ICIPE. This experience has laid a great foundation for my career in Bioinformatics. The program is well structured and facilitated by a dedicated team of experts. It involves a rigorous training for both technical and soft skills after which one reproduces a scientific paper and works on the mini-project collaboratively, a unique approach to enhance skill retention. In Addition to that, the journal club presentations and weekly code review equips one with writing, communication and presentation skills. The training equipped me with a unique sense of tenacity and diligence to meticulously approach scientific problems through a computational lens and with the necessary soft skills. I am now more motivated and confident to pursue Bioinformatics further. I accord profound gratitude to Dr. Caleb Kibet, Ruth Nanjala, Eric Kariuki, Pauline Karega and the entire Bioinformatics team for their dedication to teach, guide and mentor us through the internship period and even afterwards through the alumni mentorship program.

Allan Okeyo
Allan Okeyo

Bachelor of Science Microbiology

Pwani University

The bioinformatics incubation and mentorship program at ICIPE was a stepping stone into what I have wanted to know and pursue as a career. I gained the confidence to solving errors, which forms the backbone of a bioinformatics pipeline. I did gain skills such as programming, problem solving, critical thinking. My communication, presentation, writing, leadership and collaboration skills improved so well courtesy of this very program. As of today, I'm ready to step up and challenge myself to more technical opportunities to add cement what I learned from this program and possibly make a career out of it, to help improve the community around me and the world.

Nelly Wambui
Nelly Wambui

Bachelor of Science Medical Biochemistry

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

My internship period was one very educative one. Through the tasks given I got to grow in my bioinformatics skills. Our supervisors Dr. Caleb Kibet and Ruth Nanjala and the whole team that took us through the training made it easy to get through every stage of it. I got to practice and improve on various skills such as in my communication, presentation of work, and even collaborative skills. It was a wholesome experience and I am grateful to have been part of it.
